Oceanwide Plaza, Fig Central
Los Angeles, CA

This 1.5M-square-foot project consists of the construction of two, 37-story, reinforced concrete, pre-stress/post-tensioned mid-rise residential towers. The towers will sit on an eight -story platform of retail, electronic signage, and parking.
Twining is currently providing materials testing and inspection services for this project. Our services are being provided in three task orders:
- Task 1 – Provide a full range of Los Angeles City Registered Deputy Building Inspection services as defined by the LA City Building to Code to include: reinforced concrete and rebar, structural steel field welding, non-destructive examination, masonry, post-tensioned concrete, drilled and pneumatic anchors.
- Task 2 – Provide a full range of laboratory testing services in support of field construction to include the testing of: concrete, reinforcing steel, mortar, grout, brick, block, fireproofing, stressing cables, bolts, nuts, washers and other construction systems at the owners request.
- Task 3 – Provide engineering and administrative support services to ensure close communication with the owner and contractors relevant to the performance of Twining, the materials that we test and the proper dissemination of pertinent test results to all stakeholders in the project including the owner, general contractor, the structural engineer and architect as well as the Department of Building and Safety. At project completion, Project Engineer to prepare final report and Notice of Compliance.
Oceanwide Plaza, LLC
Services Provided
Special Inspection
Materials Testing Laboratories