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Veterans Day

May 24, 2024

On this day, we are celebrating all of America’s veterans, and their willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. We owe you all so much, our lives are shaped every day by their sacrifice.

Today we’d like to honor all those employees who served. Thank you for your service!

  • Edward M. Twining
  • Michael J. Melatti
  • Robert Greer
  • Jack Hodges
  • James A. O’Donnell
  • Michael D. Miller
  • Richard F. Williams III
  • Jeffrey Morgan
  • Michael Heil
  • Peter Rodriguez
  • Tom Carter
  • Robert Davenport
  • Steven W. Chang
  • Bryan Decker
  • Gabriel Fournier
  • Garry Wuebker
  • Mark Sobay
  • Timothy Francis
  • Micahel Eidsvoog
  • Halden George
  • Isaac McMann
  • Johnny Cameron
Richard Williams
Pete Rodriguez
Pete Rodriguez
Richard Williams
Richard Williams
Richard Williams
Tom Carter
Tom Carter
Bryan Decker (2nd row from the top, 2nd from the right side)
Bryan Decker (2nd row from the top, 2nd from the right side)
Isaac McMann
Isaac McMann
Isaac McMann
Isaac McMann

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